Friday 21 March 2008

10 years after Jakarta and 5 years after Shock & Awe

For Unpar competition, I wrote about Jemaah Islamiah. Hope I win ^^v.

Not that happy with riot in Tibet. I wonder if the world, and if Indonesian media are aware - Chinese families are being killed there, besides the Tibetans. It's a repeat of May 98 riot, with Chinese shopkeepers have to put the white lotus flag on their windows, another form of "Milik Pribumi" banner shown on May 98.

Yes, I support Tibet independence, but really, as a Chinese I'm also sad and offended with the anti-Chinese actions. You know, like Jews could feel that any kind of anti-Semitism is unacceptable.

And all the reasons given for the riot was valid. The Tibetans feel marginalized with the Chinese shops and the malls. That's why like in Paris, they felt happy for a day for overturning and burning a Toyota sedan. They feel they can hurt something they really hate - the poverty, the loss of personal identity and the feeling of inferiority before the Chinese.

Yomiuri Shimbun is shamelessly hypocrite when suggesting that Tibetans and Beijing should negotiate. Would they feel the same on the Ainu and Korean-Japanese activists? Same goes to the Chinese government who makes Dalai Lama their own bin Laden. The burnings and lootings were not by the order of the Dalai Lama. It's just what you get in riots.

O yeah, you know it's coming. American media reflect on the war on Iraq. Please enjoy the articles to see how we liberals can be so shamelessly being assholes.

Here's New York Times.

and here's Slate. I thought Chris Hitchens is supposedly classified as either conservative or libertarian.

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