Saturday 2 February 2008

Some printed headlines sadly unavailable online

1. Kompas' headline: "Fasilitas Vital Lumpuh" over the widescreen photo of flood. Dammit, stop being stuffy and just write "Jakarta banjir lagi" or "Kampret"

2. Paul Keating wrote an article defending Soeharto on Jakarta Post, singling out Fairfax media as the source of well-known Australian media hostility on anything Indonesia. If Lee KY or Mahatir wrote something like that, fine. But I seriously asked Keating's Labor credential. Yes, he wished for better relations with Asia (as opposed to Liberal's orientation toward US). But, he said had not it been Soeharto, Australia would face a neighbour that could be communist, Islamist, or just fucked up.

3. You can get this.

4. And you can get anti-Chinese march in Makassar after a girl died during botched abortion. She had a Chinese-Indonesian boyfriend, and allegedly he forced her to do abortion. The part that I don't understand is the locals went ballistic and asked the Chinese community to apologize. Dumbass.

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