Sunday, 27 April 2008

What kind of father could do this...


What kind of society lets a father to do this.

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Olympic torch (guess what's inside)

Thank you Jakarta Post ^^. Shame on local tv and Channel News Asia to prefer that kumis called Fauzi Bowo.

Look at the picture: does the guard on the left has an eye for Luna Maya?

News update: Goddammit Philly!


Anyone here also like Perfume? They are so cute.

Friday, 18 April 2008

Republik Mimpi used my article

Oh the joy.

Replay on Monday 12.30 PM.

Thank YOU, treehuggers and crazy Chinese ultranationalists!

Thursday, 17 April 2008

Monday, 14 April 2008

West Javanese election - the people have spoken

It's a crap result, but Golkar and PDIP have crap candidates who still write that they are generals.

In the week where Multiply was blocked by a pro-Golkar government.
And a PPP MP caught in scandal. And defended by a PDIP MP.
And Gus Dur took PKB as his property.

At least this time I'm content I didn't void my vote.

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Slank - Gossip Jalanan


Pernah kah lo denger mafia judi

Katanya banyak uang suap polisi
tentara jadi pengawal pribadi

Apa lo tau mafia narkoba
keluar masuk jadi bandar di penjara
terhukum mati tapi bisa ditunda

Siapa yang tau mafia selangkangan
Tempatnya lendir2 berceceran
Uang jutaan bisa dapat perawan

Kacau balau … 2x negaraku ini …

Ada yang tau mafia peradilan
tangan kanan hukum di kiri pidana
dikasih uang habis perkara

Apa bener ada mafia pemilu
entah gaptek apa manipulasi data
ujungnya beli suara rakyat

Mau tau gak mafia di senayan
kerjanya tukang buat peraturan
bikin UUD ujung2nya duit

Pernahkah gak denger triakan Allahu Akbar
pake peci tapi kelakuan bar bar
ngerusakin bar orang ditampat2

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Pemerintah sinting

Bener...akses YouTube, Multiply, MySpace diblok.

Gelo sia...

Monday, 7 April 2008

God I'm beginning to hate Tibetans...

My grandfather was right...Tibet should be freed so Chinese don't have to deal with them again.

O yeah, the Chinese should try streetfighting more often.

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Real news > April Fool's news

April Fool's News:

1. The Pope will celebrate Gay Mass
2. Beijing Olympics' women events will start 2 weeks after men events.
3. Virgin Blue is offering "chair-free" tickets.

Real news:
1. Thai Prime Minister is suffering from food poison - so does Gwangju football club
2. Finnish foreign minister resigns after caught sending sexy text messages to an erotic dancer
3. Golden lingerie is popular for Cheng Beng in Malaysia
4. Roy Suryo decided that the face featured on Golkar's hacked website is really his genuine face (but the nude photo was fake).
5. G. Wilders is a persona non grata in Indonesia (sif he's coming here)